Board Positions

Meet the current Board and learn how to become a Board member or how to nominate one.

All of us have jobs, families, and hobbies, so don't be scared off by the "Board" title: We're flexible and realistic when it comes to board obligations. Whether you’re a parent, grandparent, or neighbor, consider volunteering time, please. It takes a village, and you're part of it. PASS has both Volunteer positions and the following Board positions available. If you're looking to support PASS's causes and enhance your resume, we've got just the role for you.

Although Board members do not get paid, their primary role is different from that of a volunteer.  Board members are responsible for setting direction and have a fiduciary responsibility to the financials of the organization (in other words, they keep a close eye on expenses and revenue).

If you'd like to be part of shaping the organization but don't have time outside of Board meetings, you have a few options:

  1. Sign up for an At-Large Board position; or
  2. Share a Board position ("co-chair"); or
  3. Recruit a "buddy" volunteer to support you in your duties.

By no means does this Board represent the entire team: there are other volunteers working diligently behind the scenes.

PositionDescriptionVotesCommitment (Monthly)Term (Years)

- Coordinates PASS's Executive Board; Serves as PASS's primary contact.
- Signs PTA checks, contracts and payment authorizations.
Yes10 hrs2
Secretary- Takes minutes at board meetings; Preserves important documents.
- Co-signs formal papers with President.
Yes5 hrs2
Treasurer- Maintains permanent records to track funds and financial transactions; Pays Board-authorized bills.
- Prepares reports and annual budget for the Board; Prepares taxes and generates reports required by government agencies.
Yes5 hrs2
Parliamentarian- Ensures that Board meetings run smoothly by being versed in Roberts Rules of Order.
- Provides direction on subjects that come before the Board.
Yes5 hrs2
At-Large- No specific duties, though provides direction on subjects that come before the Board.Yes2 hrs2
Vice-President & Vice-Secretary- Serves as backup in the event that President or Secretary isn't available.Yes2 hrs2