
Donations support PASS's Schilling causes, including programs and events, and expenses. If every family were to make a $10 donation per child each year, we wouldn't need to fund-raise as much, and we could then concentrate on making our programs and events more special.

Parents and Schilling Staff (PASS) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization; all donations are tax deductible. Our financial records are publicly available on We are unaffiliated with the school district, and our organization is independently governed.

If your employer is on our Employers That Match list, to receive matching funds, often 50%-100%, make your donation via your employer's site instead.

If you'd like us to set up a personalized giving campaign on our website to tailor your values to a specific cause, we can do that! Let us know.

Parents And Schilling Staff (PASS)
Tax ID: 26-4215049
36901 Spruce St
Newark, CA 94560

Donate Now

After you submit a donation request on our site, you'll be taken to PayPal's secure system to complete your donor transaction. PayPal sends a donation receipt to your email address of record: save that receipt for your tax records.

Donations thru our website avoid notorious crowd funding fees. That means more of your money goes to actual charitable giving.

Employers are always adding matching gift programs. If your employer doesn't appear on Employers That Match and you know your employer has such a program, let us know, please!